Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
As part of West Holt Public School’s commitment to students’ safety and mental health we are launching an anonymous reporting program called Safe2Help. This reporting tool will allow students and parents to make anonymous reports about concerns of safety or student wellness. Our program is student-focused, as opposed to crime-focused, meaning it is a tool for alerting caring adults about students who need help—not snitching. This is part of our continuous effort to increase campus and student safety and provide students with a safe and completely anonymous outlet to share concerns.
Students, parents, and guardians can use Safe2Help to report: bullying, suicide concerns, depression, sexting, stealing, threats, cutting, abuse, dating and domestic violence, fights, drugs, alcohol, weapons or other types of dangerous situations that threaten the safety of others. The reports will be addressed by a trained school threat assessment team.
When you or your student have a concern, the first step is to contact a trusted adult in the school, such as a teacher, counselor, or principal and share your concern. If you cannot tell a trusted adult, there are three ways to connect with Safe2Help Nebraska and make a report.
Go to www.safe2helpne.org and fill out an online form to submit as a report.
Download the free Safe2HelpNE mobile app and make a report directly through the app.
Call the Safe2HelpNE hotline at 833-980-7233 to make a 100% anonymous report in less than five minutes.
The use of anonymous reporting apps in other states have proven to be successful in providing the tools and information needed for school officials and to proactively address concerning behaviors, potential incidents of violence, and other harmful situations on campus before they develop. We look forward to working with you and your students to continue making West Holt Public Schools a safe school district.