Daily Announcements
Thursday, February 6th, 2025
No Jr. High choir today. Please report to your study hall for 7th period.
GNAC Basketball Tournament -
In girls play at West Holt, the Husky Ladies defeated Lutheran High NE to advance on to play Hartington Newcastle on Thursday at Elkhorn Valley. West Holt’s game will be the second game of the GNAC BB Tournament scheduled to begin at 7:30 pm. Good job and good luck ladies! Dress Up THEME for the night - FRAT!
In GNAC Boys BB play last night the West Holt Husky boys defeated LCC to advance on to play Elkhorn Valley on Friday at Summerland. West Holt’s game will be the second game of the GNAC BB Tournament scheduled to begin at 7:30 pm. Good luck Husky boys. Dress Up THEME for the night - PJ’s!
Good Luck Lady Huskies at District Wrestling in Pierce on Friday and Saturday.
Watch the Husky Ladies at District Wrestling in Pierce on Friday and Saturday:
LIVE STREAM: Go to Pierce High’s website (piercepublic.org). On the right side of the home page under the QUICK LINKS, scroll down to Pierce Livestream. Follow the prompts provided by Hudl TV.
Pathfinder Traffic Safety Service - Teen Driver Education classes will be held at WEST HOLT on March 29th and 30th from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. Please stop in the office for a registration paper or go to: pathfindertss.org. Students must be 14 by September 2025. This class includes 10 hours of online course work that needs to be completed before classes begin. If you have any questions
Were you lucky enough to have participated in the Girls on the Run program? Take what you got from it and pass it on! Girls on the Run is looking for coaches, and you are just what they need. Spend two days a week, for 8 weeks, as a coach with the West Holt Girls on the Run team. If you have any questions please contact Cary Gotschall. This volunteer service would be a great addition to scholarship applications.
AAC Summer Ball Information/Registration Forms are available after lunch in the office! This is for T-Ball, Baseball and Softball. Ages 5-18. Forms will be sent home with elementary students.
AYSO Soccer Registration Forms are available in the office. Please note that registration ends on March 1st. (NO LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED!)
Register Players and Volunteers at ayso629.org. Follow on Facebook - O’Neill Area AYSO Region 629, or Instagram @aysoregion62
Monday, February 3rd
School Improvement Visit
GNAC GBB WH vs. LHNE - 6:00 PM
Tuesday, February 4th
School Improvement Visit
Holt Co. Spelling Bee @ Stuart - 1:00 PM
GNAC BBB WH vs. LCC - 6:00 PM
Wednesday, February 5th
FFA State Degree Review
Thursday, February 6th
JH BBB vs. O’Neill - 5:00 PM
GNAC Girls Conf BB -
WH vs H-N 7:30 in Elkhorn Valley
Friday, February 7th
Girls District Wrestling @ Pierce 4pm
GNAC Boys Conf BB -
WH vs EV 7:30 in Summerland
Saturday, February 8th
ACT Test @ WH
West Holt Speech Meet
Girls District Wrestling @ Pierce 10 am
GNAC Girls & Boys Conf BB @ Hartington-Newcastle - Girls @ 6:00
Boys @ 7:30